
Most popular product at Amazon.com : Bakoda Snowboard Binding Strap Screws

Bakoda Snowboard Binding Strap Screws Reviews
Get the popular product on Amazon.com : Basket: Touring Victory 1054mm,foward angeled easy to change durable hard steel tip

Bakoda Snowboard Binding Strap Screws

Product Description : Strap screws are great for when you get stuck on an island and you need to build yourself a raft so that you can sail back home. Cause you're gonna need screws. And a screw driver wouldn't hurt. So be smart and buy these cause you know often you get stranded on islands in the middle of nowhere... you do that all the time. don't ask me why... you're the one that does it.

Buy new Customer Rating: 5.0
Customer tags: Sports, Outdoors


Newly released products at Amazon.com: UNC Greensboro Nylon Navy Drawstring Backpack, UNCG Shield Reviews

UNC Greensboro Nylon Navy Drawstring Backpack, UNCG Shield Reviews
Most popular product on Amazon.com : UNC Greensboro Nylon Navy Drawstring Backpack, UNCG Shield,nylon

UNC Greensboro Nylon Navy Drawstring Backpack, UNCG Shield

Product Description : A staple for everyday use as a cinch pack or backpack. Value backpack with cinch closure. Easy access storage compartment. Non PVC. 13.75 in.L 16 in.H.

Buy new Customer Rating: 5.0
Customer tags: Sports, Outdoors

Newly released products at Amazon.com: Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 17g Tennis String Reviews

Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 17g Tennis String Reviews
Most popular product on Amazon.com : Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 17g Tennis String,Increased POWER and FEELBenefits: High heat capacity creates the ultimate performance of power and feel. Playability similar to natural gut.Composition: NRG2 Micro filaments with polyurethane. The BIPHASE treatment extends string life by 20%. Biphase increases spin and performance.Length: 40ft. (12m)Color: Natural

Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 17g Tennis String

Product Description : Increased POWER and FEELBenefits: High heat capacity creates the ultimate performance of power and feel. Playability similar to natural gut.Composition: NRG2 Micro filaments with polyurethane. The BIPHASE treatment extends string life by 20%. Biphase increases spin and performance.Length: 40ft. (12m)Color: Natural Fancy cover. Lost about 6 lbs right after stringing and before hitting any ball, and it kept getting looser. It reached 40-something or 52- and I had to change it ASAP because it wasn't very good. The feel wasn't very nice. It might work for you but it didn't work for us. It could be the frames that didn't like that string, but it might work for others. It just wasn't close to a hit for us.

Buy new Customer Rating: 5.0
Customer tags: Sports, Outdoors