FOR SALE - ALL Pedag 112 Alaska Genuine Lamb's Wool Insole with Anti-Slip Latex, Men's 10 (Health and Beauty) This was probubly the most disapointing purchase i have ever mad on . I was trying to order some fluffy new insoles for my husbands slippers. But when we got them they were worse then the bottoms of his 4 year old slippers. Im not that hard to please all i wanted was ok. I wasnt looking for a great long lasting insole. Just something to make them a little better. Thank god is takeing them back. I would just have to throw them away other wise. They are so bad i would feel silly giveing them away. They also shed. Its like they cut some wool off of a sheep. Like a pinch. THen flatened it out as thin as they could then glued it to this paper thin little mat thing. Its kind of like the stuff you line the pantry shelve with so things dont slide around. DONT buy this BEWARE try somethng else unles you only have a quarter hight alowance of room in your shoes.
I wear mostly Clarks and the flip flops are very comfortable. I am very happy and are good for the summer.

FOR SALE - ALL I really don't want to wear any other shoes but these. My feet are comfy, I really like the Hawaiian theme -- goes with all my summer clothes and my feet do not hurt at all!! I have severe arthritis and these shoes are the perfect shoes for me. I'm going to buy some more. They run small, I had to send back the first pair because the size 9 was too small. This is a fabulous product!